Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Would you like to go for a walk?*

Central Park, New York
* Borrowed from SATC Season Six.


Jane Flanagan said...

So beautiful! We were deprived our full show of magnolias here with the weather getting too hot and then dropping back down just as they began to bloom. The cherry blossoms seem to be faring better.

tintin said...

Okay, this is a little too Hallmark for my taste but I always dig your composition.

Alice Olive said...

Tintin: Yeah, I'm not so usually into pink but the park got to me this weekend...

Anonymous said...

Can you quote that whole show? If not, I'm sure you can reference each episode. You are too funny.

Alice Olive said...

JTB: Erm, much of my 'wisdom' on men, women and whatever ensues between us is derived from SATC's writers. Interpret that as you will. (Oh, and lest we forget... Bastard Brains via Miss Kittie. Heh!)

Valéry Lorenzo said...

I traveled with great pleasure your blog, all these photographs of NYC street reminded me of great memories, I'll be back!

FashionCherry said...

this is a gorgeous soft and gentle photo...I have never been to New York , but im pretty sure its at the top of everyone's wishlist to travel to... you've captured the quiet, peaceful nature of New York here, a thing I'm sure is difficult to capture in such a city?

Kathleen said...

This is lovely! I have no problem with the pink - what is Spring if not fluttery cherry blossom?!